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About Nehemiah

Nehemiah & Me is based on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, also known as Ezra II. His journal, told from Nehemiah’s perspective, is a fascinating account of the rebuilding and restoration of the physical wall of Jerusalem and the spiritual relationship between God and the Israelites. Nehemiah, an Israelite, born during captivity, was the trusted cupbearer to the emperor of Persia, King Artaxerxes I Longimanus. Moved by the plight of his Judean countrymen, Nehemiah spent 122 days praying and fasting, before asking the king for permission to rebuild the wall of the Jerusalem. The king complied. He gave Nehemiah all the supplies he asked for, and more. He appointed Nehemiah governor of Jerusalem and provided a military escort for the small entourage covering the thousand-mile journey. Throughout the rebuilding of the wall and gates, Nehemiah prayed a great deal and kept a journal; he supervised and participated in the restoration; plus, he dealt with enemies who opposed the building. With the help of God, the wall was restored, as well as the spiritual confidence of a people who had spent 70 years in captivity.


About “Me” in Nehemiah & Me

Jill Carpenter's writing has taken her on many adventures, down many roads from writing articles on Native American music to writing a series of romance novels. For the last three years, her focus has been on the study of the book of Nehemiah, following his example of journal writing. Although she has always kept a journal, it wasn't until she had moved to Mexico and back, that she began putting her words to work for the LORD. When she was younger and traveling with two friends, their lives were threatened by men of violence. She clearly remembers praying out loud on a dark country road, promising the LORD that if He saved them, she would serve Him for the rest of her life. God heard her prayer because the men suddenly jumped into their car and raced away as if they were being pursued.

Forty years after Jill made that vow, she retired to Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico, to be near her daughter’s family. Since she had grown up in a Christian home, she was familiar with scriptures and spent time in prayer. In her words, she was “a church-hopper,” always looking for a church where she could “fit in.” Calvary Chapel Church in Rosarito gave her a solid ground where she could fight her spiritual battles and be part of a cohesive church family. Her desire to serve the LORD became a reality when she began to understand the connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Fast forward two years. Jill was preparing to return to the States for medical reasons. She decided then that Nehemiah’s principles were portable and there was no reason she couldn't take them with her as she traveled back to Nebraska. Those principles continue to remind her with God's help, anything is possible. The daily journal she keeps has become her testimony of how Christ used the writings of Nehemiah to transform her life. As for her promise to serve the LORD for the rest of her life, she realized she would never fulfill her vow. Why? Because a New Testament verse, John 3:16, reminded her that “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Her promise to serve Him for the rest of her life translated into serving Him for the rest of eternity. Her prayer is for the LORD to use her writing to reach out to others about the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.

Besides NEHEMIAH & ME, Jill authored an inspirational scrapbook of short devotions for women, IF I’M SPREAD OUT SO THIN WHY AM I SO FAT?