10 Apr

Welcome to the Nehemiah & Me website! I can only warn you that this site is still under construction... but aren't we all? I wanted Easter, April 12, 2020 to be the launch date because of the connection between Nehemiah and Jesus. Many, many connections actually. At the end of the 70-year period of captivity for the Israelites, they returned to Jerusalem, and tried to set up house-keeping, but their beloved city was in total shambles. No gates, no walls, no thriving businesses or stately homes. God had predicted the fall of Jerusalem and the exile of His chosen people because they had turned their hearts toward idol-worship; in short, they greatly disrespected their Creator. 

Nehemiah, serving in the Persian King's palace, heard from his brother that Jerusalem was in a sorry state. It was in fact, an "unwalled city," which meant the residents were easy prey to taunts and trespassers. Nehemiah knew this was an insult to God and to the people. He prayed around the clock to find a way to help restore the city, which would eventually lead to restoring the spiritual dignity of his countrymen. 

So today is Easter. I hurry to get this website up because the world is quarantined. We have become indoor socially-distant captives due to the Corona Virus, and that means many people stuck at home, looking for something to do, and hopefully, looking for a way to reconcile with God, and the Son of God, who made His earthly entrance over 2000 years ago. Like Nehemiah, Jesus wept over the state of Jerusalem's affairs and the way people treated each other and how they were lied to by religious leaders, and turned their eyes toward idol-worship. Yes, there are lots of similarities between Nehemiah and Christ. Christ was intent to heal the physical and the spiritual sickness afflicting mankind. He succeeded fulfilling the prophecies, suffering at the hands of men, dying on the cross, and rising from the dead on the third day, which is why we celebrate Easter--the resurrection.

I confess this website needs a lot of work yet. Honestly, this is my first attempt at setting up a site. It generally takes me two hours just to decide what kind of font I want to use on headings, and where to put what. I keep turning the challenges over to God, saying, "Here, Lord, help me please. After all, this whole thing was Your idea, wasn't it? Establish the work of my hands, Lord, and bless this website." 

I've learned a lot from Nehemiah. Hope your week is great and insightful. Thanks for tuning in.

Peace and Love.

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